Supporting your wildlife garden, Lewes

Planning for a nature gardenIt’s just started snowing again here and as I look out to the garden it’s great to see that the bird feeders we made last week at Seedy Saturday, Lewes have been much munched by our beautiful feathered friends. A really simple and quick idea and great to do with the kids – we used old pine cones, spread them with fat and then rolled them in some bird seed – tied them with string at the top and then hung them from trees in the garden – just five minutes to create a feast!  In the cold weather when nutritious food is hard to come by, providing a little extra food for the birds in the garden can become a vital resource. Other foods that can help are those that are high in fat such as bacon and grated cheese, cooked rice and pasta. Check out further top tips for feeding birds at the Sussex wildlife trust. It highlights that the best way to support wildlife in your garden is to keep wildlife central to your planting plans and it encourages people to consider including natural hedge rows and fruit trees in their gardens. Whether you have an urban or country garden, this can be a great focus when thinking of designing and restocking your outside space.

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