Allotments and wise Lewes gardeners – tips, ideas and inspiration for design..
There are a number of allotment plots in Lewes and every season creates a changing landscape as each plot springs into bloom, what sites there are to be seen. The real bonus of the allotment is the fact that they are full of wise and experimental gardeners. It’s great to see the wide variety of gardening approaches, which reflect the true mix that these garden communities encourage. They are always great places to go to get tips, ideas and inspiration for design of your own space.
Some plots are mass planted with cutting flowers, where vivid blocks of colour brilliantly stand out like a broad brush strokes, other plots proudly show off hand made plant structures, there to provide the perfect support for the runner beans and the intoxicating scent of the sweet pea. On a recent allotment stroll, the landscape was full of deep colours, bold foliage and the delicate and intricate spent seed heads that hold steady to be admired passing moments, images to collect and remember for future garden planning.
For us, and for our little ones, it is the vegetable patches that we are drawn to the most. Watching seeds turn into bold architectural forms that then provide delicious gifts for the kitchen table is a magical as well as delicious experience! Our little ones adore planting the seeds. However, a little managing of expectations is always necessary – no slugs ever attacked jack and the beanstalks miracle plant!