Beauty in Decay – Rebecca Louise Law
Installation Artist specialising in flora
Rebecca Louise Law is an Installation Artist based in East London, specialising in artworks made with natural materials, in particular flora. Beauty in Decay is something that I have always been fascinated with and Law’s ‘The City Garden’ installation at The City Centre in London was one of my highlights of last year. It was a beautiful piece of work, both delicate and powerful at the same time. Multi layered for me in relation to meaning with hints of past glory, perfection, sensory overload, fragility, beauty in decay and ‘death’. The smell of the decaying flowers and plants invaded the space and built as the time you spent there increased. The exhibition was perfectly coupled with a map which gave you access to many of the extraordinary public gardens and green spaces within the city.
The species Law used within the installation reflected the plants and flowers that can be seen within these spaces. When your eyes are tuned in, you realise how crucial these green pockets are to their concrete partners. They punctuate the landscape, providing crucial places to pause and breathe, the antidote to the pressure of city living.
New exhibition at Now Gallery – feed your imagination!
The city garden has just finished, but Law has a new exhibition at Now Gallery in Greenwich, London from 3 March – 7 May 2017. Do check it out if you can. Some stunning pictures and more information about her work can be found on her website. Inspirational and beautiful – go on feed your imagination!
Sophs 2017