Lewes and Brighton makers-true quality & excellence on offer– joys of a Lewes Landscaper

This Lewes Landscaper didn’t have to go too far a-field to get great design inspiration from the talented makers showing at Made 2014, Brighton. Stunningly crafted wares were on offer tempting cheeky Christmas purchases and possibly some personal ones too – shhh, don’t tell! It was great to see a real range of skill displaying true quality and excellence. Although based in Brighton, the show welcomed makers from many places; it was particularly exciting to see some of our favourite Lewes talents showing their beautiful work. Spectacular hats by bespoke milliners’ Lomax and Skinner, one off contemporary design must haves by Blacksmith Designer James Price and wondrous willow work by Annemarie O’Sullivan. We were particularly taken by the two films displayed about the making process of James and Annemarie, beautiful films in their own right showing just how much time, skill and talent it takes to produce these works of art. See The Blacksmith here and Bundles of Willow here – we highly recommend you take a peek!

A quick visual splash of those that caught our eye…the unique ceramics of Amy Daniels and Alice Walton, sculptural and beautifully crafted jewellery of Emma Calvert and we just had to share the fantastic veg riso prints of Witshop. Only a featured few of many greats at Made.
If you missed Made and are hungry to see some makers wares yourself -check out the Artists and Makers annual contemporary arts and craft fair happening this Saturday 6th December, Town Hall, Lewes.